Sunday, March 3, 2019
‘just (after song of songs)’ performed by the San Francisco Girls Choir
San Francisco, CA
Since its premiere by Paul Hillier and Theatre of Voices at Carnegie Hall in 2007, David Lang’s the little match girl passion has been performed close to 600 times in over 40 countries…
continue readingDAVID LANG first heard Wagner’s “Tristan und Isolde” at the San Francisco Opera in 1974, as an undergraduate student and aspiring composer. This was the first opera ticket — standing room — that he had paid for with his own money, and he arrived well prepared, with a copy of the score and a flashlight to study it by.
“It was a really big deal for me,” Mr. Lang, now 55, said recently, sitting on a sofa in his light-flooded SoHo loft while two parakeets called noisily for attention from another room…
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